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How to choose a more appropriate explosion-proof vibration motor power?

Clicks:Updated:2017-07-12 09:07:08

Explosion-proof vibration motor power, should be based on the power required to produce machinery to choose, as far as possible to make the explosion-proof vibration motor running under the rated load. Selection should pay attention to th
Explosion-proof vibration motor power, should be based on the power required to produce machinery to choose, as far as possible to make the explosion-proof vibration motor running under the rated load. Selection should pay attention to the following two points:
(1) If the explosion-proof vibration motor power is selected too small. There will be "small horse pull cart" phenomenon, resulting in long-term overload explosion-proof motor. So that insulation due to heat damage, and even vibration motor was burned.
(2) If the explosion-proof vibration motor power is too large, there will be "big horse car" phenomenon, the output power can not be fully utilized, power factor and efficiency are not high, not only for users and power grid disadvantage, but also Will cause energy waste.
To properly select the power of the explosion-proof vibration motor, must be calculated or compared below:
(Kw): If the power of the load (ie, the power on the mechanical axis) Pl (kw) is known for the constant load operation, the power P (kw) of the required vibration motor can be calculated as follows: P = P1 / n1n2 Where n1 is the efficiency of the production machinery; n2 is the efficiency of the explosion-proof vibration motor. Ie transmission efficiency. The power obtained by the above formula is not necessarily the same as the product power. Therefore, the rated power of the selected explosion-proof motor should be equal to or slightly greater than the calculated power. Example: a production machinery power of 3.95kw, mechanical efficiency of 70%, if the choice of efficiency of 0.8 explosion-proof vibration motor, try the explosion-proof vibration motor power should be how much kw solution: P = P1 / n1n2 = 3.95 / 0.7 * 0.8 = 7.1kw Because there is no 7.1kw this - specification. So use 7.5kw explosion-proof vibration motor.
(2) short-time work fixed-type explosion-proof vibration motor. With the same power of the continuous working quota compared to the explosion-proof vibration motor. Maximum torque, small weight, low price. Therefore, when the conditions permit, should try to use short-term work fixed vibration motor.
(3) For the intermittent working quota of the explosion-proof vibration motor, the power of choice, according to the size of the load duration, selected specifically for intermittent operation of the explosion-proof vibration motor. Load continuous string Fs% of the formula for the FS% = tg / (tg + t.) × 100% where tg for the working time, t. For the stop time min; tg ten t. For the duty cycle time min.
In addition. You can also use the analog method to select the power of explosion-proof vibration motor. The so-called analogy method, is similar to the production machinery used in the explosion-proof vibration motor power comparison. The specific approach is: to understand the unit or other units near the production machinery similar to the use of how much power explosion-proof vibration motor, and then use similar power explosion-proof vibration motor test. The purpose of the test is to verify that the selected explosion-proof vibration motor matches the production machinery.
Verification method is: to drive the production machinery running, with a clamp ammeter to measure the operating current of explosion-proof vibration motor, the measured current and the explosion-proof vibration motor nameplate on the rated current comparison. If the actual operating current of the electric motor and the splenic marked on the splenid rated current difference between the upper and lower, then the selected explosion-proof vibration motor power appropriate. If the actual operating current of the explosion-proof vibration motor is about 70% lower than the rated current marked on the nameplate, it indicates that its power is too large (ie, "large horse carriage" should replace the explosion-proof vibration motor with smaller power. The operating current is greater than 40% of the rated current marked on the nameplate, indicating that its power is chosen too small (ie "small horse cart"), should be replaced by a larger power explosion-proof vibration motor.

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